Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Overview

A Purposeful and Responsible Business

We have always been driven by a clear purpose - to build quality homes, strengthen communities and improve people's lives.

Building on these foundations, in 2010 we created a long-term strategy to guide our business and we called it Our Vision. Our vision is to be a world-class business, trusted to transform the most challenging sites into exceptional places and to maximise our positive impact on society, the economy and the natural world. In 2021 we launched Our Vision 2030; the Berkeley Group's ambitious strategy for the future which sets out our roadmap to 2030 across 10 strategic priorities. Read more about Our Vision 2030 here.

The Berkeley Group has a number of policies that cover key ESG-related issues and our business operations. Our policies can be found here.  

We are pleased that our approach to ESG through the delivery of Our Vision has been recognised externally, including the Long Term Business Success award at the Management Today Business Leadership Awards 2023. Our company’s commitment and transparent communication of progress against key ESG topics led to Berkeley’s inclusion in S&P Global’s Sustainability Yearbook 2023.

S&P Global Logo
Long Term Business Success Award Logo

Our Performance and Disclosure

Our latest performance on ESG topics is detailed within our Annual Report which can be found here. This includes disclosure against the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). A summary of performance against our ESG indicators is also provided with more detail available below.

Additional climate-related disclosures, such as our GHG emissions and energy consumption reporting methodology and our disclosure to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire can be found here.

We also respond to a number of investor benchmarks to disclose our performance.

Benchmarks and Indices   2023/24  2022/23  2021/22  2020/21  2019/20  Notes 
CDP Climate Change questionnaire rating
 CDP Logo  A  A- A-  A A-
Berkeley Group was awarded a place on CDP’s Climate Change ‘A List’ in 2023/24.
FTSE4Good Index Series listed company
 FTSE4Good  Y Y Y Y
Berkeley has been featured on the Index since 2003.
 ISS ESG Corporate Rating  ESG Prime  B-  B-  C+  C+  C+ Awarded ‘Prime’ status for fulfilling sector requirements regarding sustainability performance. 
The ‘B-‘ score achieved in 2024 is the highest in our industry.
MSCI ESG rating
We have achieved an AAA rating for the past eight years. 


Image of a berkeley development that boasts green open space

Environmental Metrics

Image of residents socialising outside a berkeley development

Social Metrics

Image of a berkeley development next to the River Thames

Governance Metrics

A Sustainable Business

Our Vision 2030 includes three key sustainability topics as strategic priorities for the business; Communities, Climate Action and Nature. This is supported by a dedicated sustainability strategy, standards for our project teams and detailed management system to maintain high standards. Read more about our approach to sustainability here.

We are proud to have been one of the first 350 companies worldwide to set science-based targets (SBTs) for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction which align to a 1.5°C pathway and have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Read more here.

Read our Sustainability Report to find out more about our approach, progress, and achievements from 1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023. The 2024 Sustainability Report will be made available in autumn 2024. 

Sustainability Performance Report 2022-2023

2022-23 Sustainability Report

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Sustainable Development Goals

Berkeley Group is committed to helping to achieve the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We have identified six of the goals as being most relevant to us, based on a review of our business activities and value chain against the goals and their underlying targets. We consider that we have the greatest opportunity to contribute to the achievement of these six goals, particularly through the implementation of the Our Vision 2030 business strategy.
Sustainable Development Goals 2021 Thumbnail

SDG Report

Sustainability - Our Vision

Our Vision

Sustainability Reports and Disclosures

ESG Thumbnail
