Our Vision, Quality, Header


Our goal is to lead the industry in producing high-quality, safe homes for all.

Our Approach

We build high-quality homes where people aspire to live. We do not have any standard property types or formats, and no two Berkeley Group developments are the same. Instead we work with the best architects to create unique designs that meet our customers' needs.

High-Quality Homes

Implementing high-quality standards and targeting zero defects

We build quality homes that delight our customers in every detail.

It is instilled in our culture to focus on all aspects of a home’s delivery, from intrinsic building safety and design to final finishes that are visible to our customers. This is delivered by ensuring our staff are trained to adhere to stringent and enhanced Building Safety and Quality Assurance (BSQA) arrangements, which are inspected and approved at all stages through rigorous internal and external audits. 

We continue to outperform the industry average for defects reported by customers six weeks after they move in, and target zero defects.

Our Vision, Quality, High Quality Homes

Safe Homes

Delivering homes that are safer by design

Through our strategic partnership with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), we were involved in the development of RoSPA's Safer By Design framework. Over 30 of our developments have now achieved Safer by Design Gold status, with many more currently completing the formal assessment process, helping to make new homes safer to live in, particularly for young people and the elderly. 

Our Vision, Quality, Safe Homes


About Us, Contributions, Quality

Through a strategic partnership with RoSPA we helped to develop the Safer By Design Standard for new homes

About Us, Contributions, Quality

Over 60% of homes have zero defects reported by customers, compared to an industry average of 5%

About Us, Contributions, Quality

91% of our homes had zero defects or fewer than five defects, as reported by our customers

Awards, Accreditations & Partnerships

Safer Future Charter


Building a Safer Future Charter

An image of the RoSPA Housebuilding and Property Development Sector Award winner logo

Construction Housebuilding & Property Development Industry Sector Award

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)

An image of the Construction Leadership Council logo

Berkeley Executive Committee Member as Industry Lead on Building Safety

Construction Leadership Council

Further Information

Safer by Design

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents designed this framework, with support from Berkeley Group, aimed at making the next generation of new build homes even safer places to live where people suffer fewer accidents.
Our Vision, Quality, Safe by Design

Safer by Design


Our Vision 2030: 2024 Progress Update

This extract from the Berkeley Group’s 2024 Annual Report provides an update on progress towards meeting our targets across each of our ten strategic priorities and details highlights for the period May 2023 to April 2024. 
Our Vision, Customers, Our Vision Update

Our Vision 2030
