Our Vision - Nature - Header


Our goal is to create a biodiversity net gain and make a measurable contribution to the natural environment on every development.

Our Approach

Biodiversity Net Gain

Deliver a minimum 10% gain for every new development

We are proud to have led the industry on biodiversity net gain and laid the path for it to become a national legal requirement for all developments.

Since we became the first homebuilder to set our leading commitment to achieving a biodiversity net gain on every site back in 2017, we've calculated biodiversity net gain in the master planning of more than 55 sites, which combined will create more than 550 acres of new or measurably improved natural habitats, in addition to a 155 acre country park at Milton Keynes.

We have a target to deliver a minimum 10% net gain on every site, regardless of its former use.

In March 2023 we were delighted to co-host a Biodiversity Conference with Natural England and the Local Government Association which was attended by over 500 delegates. The Conference aimed to prepare development and local authority professionals for the forthcoming BNG requirements and to generate debate around the challenges and opportunities associated. 

Over the next year, we'll be working closely with our managing agents and landscaping teams to ensure that they have the skills to maintain the habitats that we create in the long term.

Our Vision - Nature - Net Bio Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain in Action

Announced on 12 February 2024, all major homebuilding projects are now required to deliver a biodiversity net gain as part of Government plans to restore the natural environment.

This new video explores just a few of Berkeley Group’s 54 BNG sites and the many benefits they offer local communities and wildlife.

Environmental Net Gain

Considering water, flooding and air quality

We recognise that construction can have an environmental impact beyond the perceptible changes to nature and habitats, such as the effect on air quality.

We have voluntarily committed to expanding on our established approach to enhancing nature, so that we deliver an even more valuable and holistic contribution to the environment on every site, including biodiversity, water resources, flood resilience and air quality.

In 2022 we partnered with Thames Water to explore the concept of water neutrality and how it can be applied to our sites. At Royal Exchange in Kingston, 45,000 litres per day has been offset through the retrofit of local homes, schools and businesses.

By 2030 we aim to achieve an overall environmental net gain on all developments.

Our Vision - Nature - Environmental Net Gain


About Us, Contributions, Nature

We've completed 54 biodiversity net gain strategies to date, in addition to plans for a country park at Milton Keynes

About Us, Contributions, Nature

Our biodiversity net gain sites are set to create more than 550 acres of new or improved natural habitats

About Us, Contributions, Nature

Royal Exchange in Kingston will be our first development to deliver water neutrality

Awards, Accreditations & Partnerships

Our Vision, Get Nature Positive Logo

Campaign Supporter

Get Nature Positive

Our Vision, Homepage, Landscape Institute Awards
Sir David Attenborough Award for Enhancing Biodiversity

Landscape Institute
Better Society Awards 2022

Transformation Award

Better Society Awards

Latest News

Louise Clarke being recognised as one of the top 100 UK environmental professionals

Louise Clarke joins “UK’s Environmental Power List”

Louise Clarke, Group Head of Sustainability at Berkeley Group, has been named as one of the top 100 UK environmental professionals who have made the greatest impact in the past two years.

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Berkeley Group and Natural England attendees holding a workshop meeting

Berkeley Group and Natural England Partner for BNG Workshops

The partners are upskilling organisations to deliver BNG on site.

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An Exterior Image of Royal Exchange

Berkeley and Thames Water Win National Award for Water Neutrality

Berkeley Group and Thames Water made a big splash at the 2023 National Sustainability Awards as they claimed the Water Reduction Award for their pioneering partnership at Royal Exchange, Kingston upon Thames.

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Exterior shot of Kidbrooke Village and it's green open spaces

Rob Perrins: Let’s Bring Nature Back to Our Towns and Cities

Berkeley Group were delighted to sponsor the fascinating Create Streets Greening-Up report, launched last week.

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Biodiversity at Kidbrooke Village

Biodiversity Net Gain at Kidbrooke Village

Watch this video exploring the results of our very first biodiversity net gain project at Kidbrooke Village which has so far delivered a 100% biodiversity net gain.

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Image of Rob Perrins at the Biodiversity Net Gain Conference

500+ Professionals Join Cross-Sector Conference Supporting Biodiversity Net Gain

More than 500 delegates from across the public, private and voluntary sectors took part in a major conference exploring biodiversity net gain, which becomes mandatory on many homebuilding projects later this year. 

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Wildlife Trusts leaders see biodiversity in action at Kidbrooke Village

Wildlife Trusts Leaders See Biodiversity in Action at Kidbrooke Village

60 leaders gathered to see the results of the award-winning biodiversity net gain strategy.

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Celebrating London Rivers Week at Woodberry Down

Celebrating London Rivers Week at Woodberry Down

We joined Thames21 and London Wildlife Trust to talk about the benefits of reconnecting the community with Stoke Newington reservoir.

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Our Vision - Nature - Sustainable Housebuilder

Berkeley Group Named Sustainable Housebuilder of the Year

Second consecutive win for sustainability at the annual Housebuilder Awards.

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HRH The Prince of Wales and the Blue Recovery Leaders Group at WWT Slimbridge

Leading Organisations to Help Create 100,000 Hectares of Healthy Wetlands in the UK

The Prince of Wales joined a meeting of the Blue Recovery Leaders Group, to learn more about plans to create a network of healthy wetlands.

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Further Information

Enhancing Nature

We consider net gain from the early design stages, to make sure that we are retaining and creating the right habitats. To help our design teams achieve this we have developed The Nine Concepts to inform our approach and we work with our ecologists, landscape architects and Local Wildlife Trusts to make this happen.
Berkeley Group - Making Space For Nature

Making Space for Nature

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Our Vision 2030: 2023 Progress Update

This extract from the Berkeley Group’s 2023 Annual Report provides an update on progress towards meeting our targets across each of our ten strategic priorities and details highlights for the period May 2022 to April 2023. 
Our Vision, Customers, Our Vision Update

Our Vision 2030
