Our Vision, Climate Action, Header

Climate Action

Our goal is to play an active role in tackling the global climate emergency by creating low carbon, resilient homes.

Our Approach

Berkeley is playing a lead role in tackling climate change. We have an ambitious, holistic approach for climate action, which includes designing efficient and resilient places, alongside transformational changes to our construction processes and wider business operations. We set stretching science-based targets in 2020 that push us to reduce our direct emissions, the embodied carbon in our supply chain, and the in-use emissions created by our homes. We are committed to supporting public policy and regulation in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. We engage with key stakeholders, such as government and others across the built environment, to actively collaborate and help ensure that we are aligned with global goals, putting us on the pathway to be a net zero carbon business by 2045. 

Ambitious Science Based Targets

Taking action to reduce our impact

In December 2020, we received approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our science-based targets (SBTs) to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These commit us to:

  • Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by FY2030 from a FY2019 base year.
  • Reduce indirect GHG emissions (scope 3 purchased goods and services and use of sold products) 40% per square foot of legally completed floor area over the same timeframe.

These targets represent an ambitious step forward in Berkeley's approach to tackling climate change and have been calculated to ensure that we play our part in limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

In 2023 we met our science-based target for a reduction of 50% in scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions, having achieved a 76% reduction from our baseline year. We have now set a new scope 1 and 2 (market-based) target, to meet an 82% reduction in these emissions by FY2030 from our baseline year of 2019. We plan to submit this for validation in 2024/25.

As a result of our progress against our targets, together with our planned journey to net zero and investigation and collaboration on embodied carbon, we are delighted to be recognised by CDP as a climate leader and awarded their highest available ‘A’ rating. 

We publicly report our emissions and progress against our SBTs on an annual basis as detailed on our ESG performance page here

Our emissions reporting methodology and details of the independent limited assurance received can be found within our carbon and climate change disclosures here

Our Vision, Climate Action, SBT

Low Carbon Homes

Meeting our science-based target by reducing the in-use carbon emissions of our homes by 40% between 2019 and 2030

We are striving to achieve our validated science-based target to reduce the in-use lifetime carbon emissions of our homes. We focus on improving the fabric efficiency of our homes and integrating the appropriate low carbon technologies, including heat pumps and photovoltaic panels.

Our customer service and sales teams are provided with training to understand the sustainability features of developments and homes, and they provide a demonstration of these at handover, to enable and advocate low carbon lifestyles for those who live in our homes. 

We have also set out the requirement to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard of an EPC ‘B’ rating for all new homes, excluding refurbishments. This aligns with our Green Finance Framework.  

We have significantly improved the fabric efficiency of our homes and will continue to improve this in line with the Future Homes Standard.

An image of solar panels on top of a building

Low Carbon Operations

Meeting our science-based target by reducing absolute emissions across our direct operations by 50% by 2030

We are proud to have achieved our scopes 1 and 2 SBT seven years early, through significant efforts and determination of our teams to operate more efficiently. This reduction was predominantly achieved through the use of certified biodiesel HVO as a low carbon alternative to fossil diesel, which we continue to specify, in addition to encouraging our site teams to opt for electric and hybrid machinery.

We allocate carbon budgets to construction sites to focus attention on emission reductions, including both direct and contractor’s carbon emissions on site.  

An image of a construction site

Embodied Carbon

Meeting our science-based target by reducing the carbon impact of the materials and services we use by 40% between 2019 and 2030

We recognise that the majority of our carbon impact comes from the materials and services we use to construct homes. We have undertaken 48 embodied carbon studies across a range of building typologies, giving us valuable site-specific data to understand how our current buildings are performing and our biggest impact areas within our buildings, enabling us to now reduce our impact during the design and procurement phases. We now routinely measure the embodied carbon of new buildings and have a requirement that an embodied carbon assessment is undertaken for any building that has legal completions from 2025/26.  

We have been working with our supply chain over several years to understand and reduce the carbon content of the materials and services we procure. We have implemented a supply chain engagement strategy for high carbon impact material groups, and are delighted to have been listed as a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader in 2023. We preferentially partner with suppliers that share our commitment to climate action and are reducing emissions within their own operations.

Our Vision, Climate Action, Embodied Carbon


We will manage climate risks for our developments and business

We are making our homes and places resilient to the impact of climate change. We will continue to incorporate adaptation measures in the homes and developments we build, with 100% of developments incorporating sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

In 2022 we completed detailed climate scenario analysis on our development portfolio and business activities to assess the risks and opportunities to our business posed by climate change. We have embedded the findings of this analysis within our risk management and strategic planning processes. 

Prior to land purchase, we assess the land to identify all types of risks, including those related to climate change such as flooding and overheating. We also integrate nature-based solutions and biodiverse landscapes into our developments to create places that are more resilient to extreme weather.

Our Vision, Climate Action, Resilience

Net Zero Carbon

We will work to become net zero carbon across scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2045

We are proud to be one of the five founding partners to the UK Green Building Council's Advancing Net Zero programme, which is helping to lead and co-ordinate climate action across the UK built environment sector. We have contributed to the development and publication of two new UKGBC guidance documents, which will help the industry to accurately model and report on embodied carbon within construction projects, and to create a coherent link between the carbon footprint of projects and organisational scope 3 emissions. 

We are currently developing a stand-alone Net Zero Transition Plan in line with the gold standard recommendations of the Transition Plan Taskforce. We are using the guiding principles to set out our journey towards being a net zero business.

Whilst reviewing our approach to carbon credits as part of our development of our Net Zero Transition Plan, we have continued with our support of the UK-based Retrofit Credits project developed by HACT and PNZ Carbon. The project uses funds to retrofit social housing through the installation of energy efficient measures such as improved insulation, thereby reducing emissions of existing housing stock whilst also delivering social value. 

Our Vision, Climate Action, Net Zero Carbon


About Us, Contributions, Climate Action

We have a CDP Climate Change programme leadership rating of 'A' demonstrating climate action and transparency

About Us, Contributions, Climate Action

77% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions since 2019, offsetting remaining emissions with verified carbon credits

About Us, Contributions, Climate Action

88% of energy consumption is from renewable sources, including 100% renewable electricity for UK activities

Awards, Accreditations & Partnerships

CDP A Rated for Climate Action Logo

Climate Action A List


An image of the Supplier Engagement Leader Award from CDP

Supplier Engagement Award


Our Vision, Climate Action, SBT

Validated Company Targets

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Latest News

An Exterior Image of Clarendon

Berkeley Achieves ‘A List’ Status for Climate Action 

Berkeley Group has been awarded a place on CDP's prestigious Climate Change 'A List'...

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Carbon Reduction Award

Berkeley Wins National Award for Tackling Carbon Emissions

Berkeley scooped the win at cross-sector National Sustainability Awards.

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Further Information

Climate Action

Climate Action is one of ten strategic priorities within Berkeley's long-term business strategy, it sets out a balanced and holistic approach to leading our business over the next decade.
Climate Action Brochure

Climate Action


Climate-Related Disclosures

The Berkeley Group welcomes the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and is committed to taking a key role in tackling climate change. This extract from the Berkeley Group’s 2024 Annual Report provides our latest response to the TCFD recommendations, including details on the Climate Scenario Analysis completed in 2022.
The Berkeley Group climate action disclosures

Climate Related Disclosures

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The Berkeley Group's Green Finance Framework

The Berkeley Group has established a Green Finance Framework to allow us to fund investment in our developments with environmentally and socially impactful and transparent debt instruments.

Green Bond Framework

Green Finance Framework


Our Vision 2030: 2024 Progress Update

This extract from the Berkeley Group’s 2024 Annual Report provides an update on progress towards meeting our targets across each of our ten strategic priorities and details highlights for the period May 2023 to April 2024. 
Our Vision, Customers, Our Vision Update

Our Vision 2030
