Berkeley Group and Natural England have partnered to deliver a series of workshops on biodiversity net gain for Local Planning Authorities and SME developers.
The partners hosted four workshops across the South East, offering practical tips and best practice advice on delivering BNG on site.
Each workshop included guest speakers from local organisations, including Berks, Bucks & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust, Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment, South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils and SME developer Thakeham.
Some attendees toured Sunningdale Country Park, which Berkeley has reconnected to the community, as well as planting 200 new trees.
Nick White, Principal Adviser - Net Gain, Natural England said “ Natural England has been delighted to collaborate with Berkeley Group in the running of a series of local Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) roadshows for Local Planning Authorities, SME housebuilders and local habitat bank biodiversity unit providers. Berkeley brought real insight to the sessions, providing inspiring examples of how they have successfully delivered BNG on their schemes with tips and ideas that could be transferable to and implemented by SME developers. The roadshows generated lots of very positive discussion and engagement and highlighted the value of collaboration and working across different disciplines in the sector, and with local stakeholders, to achieve successful BNG outcomes.”
The workshops are the latest joint event for the partners, who delivered a major cross-sector conference on BNG last year, together with the Local Government Association.
More than 500 professionals in attendance heard from expert speakers on the opportunities and challenges of implementing BNG.
Berkeley Group has been doing this voluntarily since 2016 and has so far put 54 sites into planning with a commitment to enhance on-site biodiversity. Together, these projects will deliver more than 550 acres of new or improved natural habitats, most of which are in urban communities where accessible green space is most needed.
Find more on Berkeley Group’s commitment to nature recovery here.
For more resources from Natural England, click here.