This news story from The Berkeley Foundation celebrates a new fundraising milestone from Berkeley staff.
Berkeley Homes North East London held their annual Question of Sport event at the end of March. The evening usually raises large amounts for their Community Partner charity Home-Start London, but this time the team has broken the Berkeley record for the largest amount raised through a single event – an absolutely amazing £154,418!
Home-Start trains and supports volunteers to work alongside parents in their own home giving compassionate and confidential support, tailored to each family. Home-Start London is a consortium of 12 local Home-Starts operating across 24 London boroughs. They help families with young children, from all backgrounds, through their most challenging times. The issues the families face include:
- Poor mental health
- Postnatal depression
- Bereavement
- Financial & housing worries
This money will help Home-Start London deliver their vital services, ensuring that even more families can access the help they need.
Julia Roberts from Home-Start London said: “Our partnership with Berkeley Homes NEL is going from strength to strength, and for the NEL team to raise this amount in just one night is truly fantastic. The money will help Home-Start London reach many more families who need our support, and we are incredibly grateful to everyone who took part in the event.”
Mark Tomlinson, Commercial Director at Berkeley Homes NEL commented: “We see first-hand the impact that Home-Start London has on families with young children who are finding things tough. It’s a real pleasure to be working with them, and to be able to raise money for their important work. I want to thank all those who helped organise the event, as well as everyone who came along and helped us get to such a fantastic result.”
Find out more about the charities supported through The Berkeley Foundation here.