Berkeley Homes has submitted plans to Tower Hamlets Council for the redevelopment of the existing South Quay Plaza site to provide a world-class, residential-led mixed-use development. In accordance with Tower Hamlet's policy for this area, the scheme will also be delivering over 1.5 acres of high quality public realm, reinvigorating the waterfront on South Dock and creating a vibrant new destination.
Designed by leading architecture firm Foster + Partners, the proposals will deliver over 900 new homes and approximately 20,000 sq. ft. of new retail space across two landmark buildings, one of 73 storeys which fronts South Dock and a second 36 storey building fronting onto Marsh Wall.
Award winning landscape architects Gillespies' design for the enhanced public realm will open up key pedestrian linkages for the Isle of Dogs and will include a pocket park and riverside walkway. An integrated children's playspace will be created for use by new residents and the local community.
Harry Lewis, Managing Director of Berkeley Homes (South East London) Ltd, comments:
"South Quay Plaza has a vital role to play in revitalising this dockside location. We have been working closely with the Borough and the GLA and, with their support, aim to create over 900 homes and more than 1.5 acres of landscaped open space. Opportunities to deliver such significant public realm in Canary Wharf are few and far between."
The planning application was submitted in early April and Berkeley will be working with London Borough of Tower Hamlets and other key stakeholders to secure planning permission later in the year. Construction is likely to start in January 2015.
For media information (not for publication), please contact Samantha Nash, Edelman
Tel: +44 20 3047 2095, Email:
• The Berkeley Group build homes and neighbourhoods. We focus on creating beautiful, successful places. We work together with other people to tackle the shortage of good quality homes, and we make a lasting contribution to the landscape and to the communities we help create.
• In 2012, the Berkeley Group sustained 16,000 jobs and generated £2.6 billion of economic activity in Britain.
• The Berkeley Group is publicly-owned and listed on the London Stock Exchange as a FTSE 250 company. It is made up for 5 autonomous companies: St George, St James, Berkeley, Berkeley First, and St Edward.
• The Berkeley Group was ranked Britain's second Most Admired Company across all industries in 2013 and has been ranked Britain's most sustainable major housebuilder for the last eight years in a row by the Next Generation benchmark.
• The Berkeley Foundation supports young people and their communities across London and the South of England through charitable donations and the talent and time of our staff.
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