Berkeley Homes Oxford & Chiltern has invited local residents to view initial plans of their vision for the development of land at Cabbage Hill, Warfield.
The Public Exhibition will be held at: Whitegrove Youth and Community Centre, 3 County Lane, Warfield RG42 3JP on:
- Thursday 25th July between 4pm and 8pm
- Saturday 27th July between 12pm and 4pm
Bracknell Forest Council has decided, with the agreement of the Planning Inspector that 2,200 new homes should be built at Warfield. In accordance with this policy framework Berkeley is proposing to build around 750 of the 2,200 homes identified in the Council's plans on land lying to the east and west of West End Lane. They hope to submit an outline planning application on the whole site towards the end of this year following a series of consultation and engagement activities that will be organised through the Summer and Autumn.
Andrew Saunders Davies, Berkeley Homes Oxford & Chiltern's Chairman said:
"Our vision is to create a distinctive, high quality, new community at Warfield. Our aim is to provide a wide range of homes which will be centred on improved expanses of open space. Our proposal includes a new primary school and community hub.
"This is very much the start of the process of Berkeley working with the Warfield community. We will be unveiling this initial vision for how the site could be developed on the 25th the 27th July.
"We think it is important that developers listen to what local people think. We find that listening to local residents at an early stage and working in partnership with the community improves the quality of our proposals for all. This is why we are asking local people about their views now.
"There will be further opportunities for residents to get involved over the coming months. We will be establishing a website later in the Summer and then organising a further engagement event in the Autumn.
"We are fortunate here that Bracknell Forest Council has already undertaken significant consultation in the preparation of its planning policies for Warfield. These consultations have helped shape our initial ideas and the feedback we receive next week will help inform our design as we work up more detailed plans over the coming months."
Berkeley plan to:
- Deliver around 750 new homes, providing a wide mix of homes from starter homes to larger family houses and including the provision of around 60 extra care apartments for elderly people.
- Invest in key infrastructure to support the development, including: The provision of a brand new two form entry primary school, as the centrepiece of a new community hub within the new development.
- A new north/south link road linking Quelm Park roundabout with the Three Legged Cross junction providing a vital link between Bracknell to the south and Maidenhead to the north
- Extensive investment in existing and new infrastructure to support the development
- New community sports and play facilities.
- Provide around 14 hectares of woodland and parkland for existing and new residents to enjoy along with other informal green spaces through the development.
Representatives from Berkeley Homes and its project team will be attending the exhibition and will be available to answer any questions regarding the development.
Berkeley will be setting up a project website at the end of July - - to keep residents informed of progress. They intend to submit an outline planning application on this site by the end of 2013.
Berkeley is widely seen as one of the leading house builders in the country with a reputation for quality and place-making. Berkeley leads the field in sustainable development having been named the UK's top sustainable house builder for the sixth* year running. Berkeley will be bringing this approach to the development in Warfield.
For more information, contact Wyn Evans, on 020 8786 6131 or 07909 974924.