Residents of the Kennington Park Estate were joined by volunteers from Hyde Housing and Berkeley in February, to embark on an exciting new community project.
Taking advantage of a lull between storms, more than 20 volunteers started preparing an unused stretch of grass, which is to be transformed into a vibrant Community Garden. They also crafted a new mosaic, as a colourful new focal point for the garden.
Over the coming months this area is going to be planted with seeds, vegetables, flowers and shrubs. A community BBQ and picnic area will be built, providing a safe and inviting space for families and friends to gather.
The estate neighbours the emerging Oval Village, which recently won the Mayor of London's Award for Good Growth
The village is set to provide more than 1,300 new, mixed-tenure homes for Lambeth, alongside two fantastic new community spaces, shops and cafés for neighbours to enjoy.
It will see a former gas storage facility opened up and reconnected with the neighbourhood. New trees and planting across the site, including 2.5 acres of public open space, will help to create a Net Biodiversity Gain; meaning more nature is left behind than when building first began.
Work is already underway on the site, and 130 new construction apprenticeships will be available for local people over the course of construction.