Our Customer Commitment

We understand that buying a home is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. That's why we pride ourselves on our customer service; devoting time to help find the right home for you.

Our dedicated teams offer you tailored support and information, throughout your home-buying experience, so you can have confidence at every stage of the process.

We aim to understand your needs and provide a professional, efficient and helpful service to make the buying process as straightforward and enjoyable as possible. Our levels of customer service aim to be comparable to other premium brands.

Our Customer Satisfaction Commitment

"When you buy a new home from Berkeley Group you can be safe in the knowledge that it is built to high standards of design and quality, has low environmental impact and that you will receive a professional, efficient and helpful service from us."

People and Technology in Harmony

You will receive tailored information relating to your purchase and have a dedicated person to guide you through your buying journey and beyond.

To work alongside the teams we have developed and utilised technology to keep you up to date. An example of this is our interactive online portal, MyHome Plus. This is an incredibly useful source of information, allowing you to receive updates, access documents and get in touch with us at every point of the process.


Build Warranty

All homes purchased include a 10 year warranty on your home, the first 2 years of which are covered directly by Berkeley Group.

If you have any matters needing attention during this period you can raise them directly to your Customer Service team.


Consumer Code for Home Builders

All our brands comply with the Consumer Code for Home Builders.

The purpose of the code is to ensure that home buyers are treated fairly, know what service levels to expect, are given reliable information upon which to make their decision and know how to access speedy, low cost dispute resolution arrangements if they are dissatisfied.

View the Consumer Code for Home Builders in full.

The Institute of Customer Service Member Logo

The Institute of Customer Service

At Berkeley, we are always looking for ways to build on the fantastic service our teams provide to our customers. As members of The Institute of Customer Service, the UK's professional customer service body, we are committed to making sure we are at the forefront of customer experience. And that every customer we meet, enjoys a journey with us that exceeds their expectations, from the day they start looking for their new home to the day they move in and beyond.

Resolution Services

We make every effort to ensure that the service we provide to you is the best it can be - if you feel that we have not delivered this to the standards you expect, we want you to tell us. We will investigate the situation and will do our best to rectify matters as quickly and as appropriately as possible.

With the Customer Care arrangements we have in place for all of our customers, we would hope that you won't need to make a complaint to us, but if you do then Stage 1 of our complaints resolution procedure should successfully resolve the majority of issues.

Full contact details for each stage of our complaints process can be located within your MyHome Plus account.

Stage 1 - Customer Services

If you have any issues with our service, or wish to tell us about a problem with your home which we are not aware of, please inform our Customer Service Team.  As per our commitment to support you within the first two years of living in your new home, our Customer Service Teams will work hard to resolve any issue promptly.

We strive to resolve any issues as quickly and effectively as possible, but if after this process the matter has not been dealt with to your satisfaction, Stage 2 of our resolution service allows you to take your complaint higher within our company.

Stage 2 - Escalation

If our Customer Services Team have failed to resolve your problem, our service or workmanship has been poor, or you feel that you have been treated unfairly or discourteously, you should escalate the matter to our Customer Service Directors, who have overall responsibility for our standards of service and ensure that the experience enjoyed by all of our home buyers is a positive one. 

As part of our Resolution Service, we undertake to deal with your complaint fairly, confidentially and effectively, keeping you updated on progress through to resolution. This means we will:-

  • Acknowledge your complaint within five working days
  • Respond, providing more detail and any estimated timescales for resolution, within 20 working days
  • Provide you with a final response within 30 days

Stage 3 - Formal Complaint

In the unlikely event that we have been unable to resolve matters in Stage 1 and 2, you should address a formal written complaint to the Regional Managing Director.

Please note that you should always raise your initial complaint to us using Stage 1 and 2 of our resolution service in the first instance, so that it can be appropriately dealt with using this staged procedure for resolution.

Independent Resolution

If an issue cannot be settled amicably between us you can refer the matter to your warranty provider through their own resolution scheme, to investigate and deal with your complaint. 

If the complaint falls outside the warranty provider's terms of policy, you will be offered the opportunity to refer your complaint to the Consumer Code's independent Disputes Resolution Scheme, where an independent arbitrator could be asked to consider the complaint and provide a ruling as to what action is required. You may also refer the matter to the Independent Dispute Resolution Scheme if you do not receive a response from us within 20 working days of your complaint being made or we fail to resolve the matter within 56 calendar days and/or the issue is not dealt within the agreed timescales. Disputes can be referred at any point after the 56 days but must be no later than 12 months after receiving our final response.

Your legal rights are not affected by this process - for full details of the code, visit: https://consumercode.co.uk/