Oval Village, Lambeth
Regeneration Case Study
- • 8-acre Zone One brownfield site including 4 derelict gasholders
• Over £150 million upfront capital investment to unlock site
• 1,360 homes, including around 500 affordable homes
• £28m contribution through the Community Infrastructure Levy and S106
• 170,000 sq ft of commercial space, including a new Tesco and Oval Works; a flexible workspace delivered in partnership with Landsec
• Low carbon energy solution delivering 54% CO2 reduction over Part L
This complex Zone One brownfield site, consisting of four derelict gasholders and an adjacent supermarket and warehouse, is being knitted back into the local fabric and brought to live as a sustainable mixed-use neighbourhood.
With a network of pedestrian streets, public squares and biodiverse landscaping, Oval Village will be a connected and welcoming part of Lambeth, delivering 1,360 high quality homes, community spaces and a mix of amenities and workspace. The site’s Grade II Listed gasholder is being sensitively restored and will form the historic centrepiece of Oval Village
Long Term Brownfield Regeneration
Key Challenges
- Closed-off and contaminated site including four gasholders
- Upfront capital investment of over £150 million prior to first housing completions
- Complex land assembly including multiple land owners
- Engaging the local community including close residential and commercial neighbours
- Complex package of enabling works and remediation
- Retention of Grade II Listed gasholder
- Early delivery of a new Tesco store to release previous supermarket footprint
- Working with London Borough of Lambeth to create the Oval and Kennington Development Area Masterplan, which led to the area’s designation as a new mixed-use community
The Grade II Listed gasholder is being sensitively restored
Retaining a World-Famous Backdrop
Unlocking this 8-acre brownfield inner London site has required a complex package of enabling works and remediation. Whilst the site will be transformed, a key feature of Oval Village will be retained and enhanced. The Grade II listed No. 1 Gasholder – the largest of its kind in the world and a valued local landmark dating back to 1879, will be carefully restored and will remain part of the local fabric for generations to come.
- Over £150 million upfront capital investment, prior to delivering the first homes
- Retaining an active gas network pressure reduction station
- Re-integrating the gasholders with the surrounding street network
- Keeping the world-famous Grade II listed gasholder as backdrop to The Kia Oval cricket ground
Local community street party supported by the Oval Village team
Community Engagement
Community engagement has been a key priority and we work hard to ensure a wide range of local people and stakeholders shape and influence our plans and approach. A dedicated full time Community Liaison Officer oversees a year-round programme of events and initiatives to ensure local residents and businesses remain engaged and benefit from the site’s revival.
- partnering with 49 different community groups to run events, activities and fundraisers
- Oval Village project team committed 600 hours of volunteer time to local projects
- £175,000 raised for local charity, Triangle Adventure Playground
CGI of Oval Works
Local Jobs, Growth and Opportunities
The regeneration of Oval Village represents a major inward investment programme, with the team targeting supplier opportunities towards local businesses:
- 5,000 construction and apprentice opportunities and partnering with neighbouring estates to support local employment
- 170,000 square feet of commercial and community space, including Oval Works; an innovative flexible workspace supporting Lambeth’s thriving SME community
- delivering more than 1,000 permanent jobs on site
2.5 acres of public space
Sustainable by Design
The area has a green landscape, with car-free streets, and trees and public squares across 2.5 acres of public open space. In addition, Oval Village uses energy efficient building fabric and is implementing a site wide air source heat pump energy strategy.
- energy efficient building fabric
- communal heat and power network
- new pedestrian and cycle routes, electric car charging and car club
- electric car charging
- sustainable location close to transport hubs at Vauxhall, Kennington and Oval
- Winner of the Mayor of London’s Award for Good Growth at the Building London Planning Awards 2020
- Winner of Best Mixed Use Scheme at the London Planning Awards 2020
- Winner of Best Housing Scheme (500 Homes or More) at the Planning Awards 2023
Our Partners
Planning Authorities: London Borough of Lambeth | Greater London Authority
Architects: GRID Architects | Formation Architects | Rolfe Judd Architects
Landscape & Ecology: HTA
Housing Association: Peabody
Commercial partners: Landsec | Tesco