Grand Union, Alperton
Regeneration Case Study

  • 22-acre brownfield site
  • 3,350 mixed-tenure homes
  • Approx. 50% open space 
  • 5,000 sqft Community Hub run by the London Development Trust on behalf of the Grand Union Development Trust
  • Multi-storey light industrial building delivered as part of a joint venture with SEGRO
  • Target 240% biodiversity net gain

This previously derelict industrial estate is being transformed into a welcoming new part of Alperton, centred around a beautiful canal-side piazza and landscaped open spaces.

A network of walking and cycle routes are connecting the neighbourhood with its surrounding community, along with a riverside meadow, shops, cafés, restaurants, flexible office space, a health centre, nursery and 5,000 square foot community centre.

Long Term Brownfield Regeneration

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Former Industrial Estate

Before regeneration: The 22-acre former industrial estate was cut off to the community.

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Access to Canalside

Access to the canalside has been opened up for the first time in years.

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Community Hub

The Grand Union Community Hub, a 5,000sqft community centre delivered in the early phases of construction, is managed by the new Grand Union Development Trust.

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, The Generator

The Generator, a 135,000 sqft flexible office space will support SME businesses and encourage co-working (Computer Generated Image).

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Brownfield Site Transformed

The brownfield site will be transformed into a welcoming, sustainable neighbourhood (Computer Generated Image).

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, On-site Beehive

St George has installed a beehive on site, with around 35,000 bees that can enjoy the extensive new green space and native planting.

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, New Sculpture

An impressive new sculpture, inspired by local school children, was previewed at Chelsea Flower Show before being installed at Grand Union.

Key Challenges

  • site bisected by Thames Water infrastructure
  • re-provision of industrial space
  • reconnecting a derelict industrial estate with the surrounding community
  • resolving complex site ownership
Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Connected Sustainable Living

Connected, Sustainable Living

This emerging mixed-use neighbourhood incorporates sustainable technology into every new building, from efficient materials to living rooftops. The extensive biodiverse landscaping includes wild areas where wildlife can flourish, with a network of new pedestrian and cycle routes encouraging people to explore the new green public spaces and connect with nature.  

  • target 240% biodiversity net gain
  • riverside meadow | canalside park | grassland habitats | 540 new trees | diverse seasonal planting | beehive 
  • rooftop solar panels | green and brown roofs | combined heat and power system | sustainable urban drainage system | rainwater harvesting 
  • network of new walking and cycle routes | Improved approach to Stonebridge Park Station 
  • infrastructure for circa 600 electric car parking spaces 
  • BREEAM ‘Excellent’ for all non-residential space
Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Amenities and Opportunities for all

Amenities and Opportunities For All

Grand Union has been designed in partnership with the local community and Brent Council, to deliver a wide range of facilities that local people really need. At the heart of the site, a new community centre offers flexible spaces for activities like classes, events and performances. The pioneering flexible light industrial building, delivered with SEGRO, maximises employment space – with potential for 500 people to work on site. 

  • approx. 50% public open space
  • health centre | 5,000 sqft Community Hub | nursery | canalboat café | restaurants | playspace
  • 135,000 sqft of flexible employment space over five floors, delivered in partnership with SEGRO
  • creating 600 permanent jobs | 200 apprenticeships during construction
Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Shaped by Local People

Shaped by Local People

The whole masterplan has been designed in collaboration with local residents. At the outset of engagement St George built a dedicated on-site information centre, to bring local people together to share their vision for the area. A permanent community centre has now been delivered, and will be run by the Grand Union Development Trust, an organisation composed of local stakeholders including residents, school governors and local businesses.

  • locally shaped masterplan with extensive community engagement programme
  • dedicated on-site information centre built specifically to host engagement events and made available to the local community
  • community interviews | design workshops | exhibitions | walk and talk sessions | newsletters | website | Community Liaison Group
  • creation of the Grand Union Development Trust to provide strategic management of the Community Hub
Cllr Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Planning at Brent Borough Council shares her thoughts on the regeneration programme and its impacts on the local community.

“Myself, fellow Councillors and Officers have worked closely with St George over the past 4 years to ensure that we are delivering what we need in the Borough - homes, including a significant number of affordable homes and family homes, and also the delivery of jobs through construction and new permanent workspace. 

We set out with the ambition of delivering the best possible development for the Borough. We are delighted that we have achieved this goal together.” 

Cllr Muhammed Butt, Leader of Brent Council 

Our Partners

Planning Authorities: Brent Council | Greater London Authority

Architects: Sheppard Robson | Terence O’Rourke Architects

Landscape & Ecology: Murdoch Wickham | AECOM | Turnstone Ecology

Housing Partner: Brent Council  

Light-industrial Partner: SEGRO

Community & Voluntary Partners: Grand Union Development Trust | The Jason Roberts Foundation 

Berkeley Group, Case Studies, Grand Union, Our Partners