Our Vision, Performance, Header


Annual performance against Our Vision 2030 targets and highlights for the year are included within the Berkeley Group’s Annual Report and available within this extract. 

Performance against the core KPIs of Our Vision 2030 are provided within our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance reporting as found here.

Historical (pre-2018) performance reports are available for download below.

Our Vision, Customers, Our Vision Update

Our Vision 2030


Performance Reports

Our Vision, Customers, Our Vision Update

Our Vision Performance Report 2022


Performance Reports

Our Vision, Performance 2016-18, Full Report

Our Vision Performance Report 2016-2018 - Full Report

Our Vision, Performance 2016-18, Summary Report

Our Vision Performance Report 2016-2018 - Summary Report

Our Vision, Performance 2016-18 2017, Update

Our Vision Performance 2017 Update


Performance Reports

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Report

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 - Introduction

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Report

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 - Full Report

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Customers

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 – Customers

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Homes

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 – Homes

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Places

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 – Places

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, Operations

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 - Operations

Our Vision, Performance 2014-16, People

Our Vision Performance Report 2014-2016 - Our People


Performance Reports

Our Vision Performance 2012-14 Customers Report

Customers Report

Our Vision Performance 2012-14 Homes Report

Homes Report

Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Places Report

Places Report

Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Operations Report

Operations Report

Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, People Report

Our People Report



Commitment 2012-2014 Assessment
Provide every customer with a Berkeley Customer Satisfaction Commitment.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Provide a point of contact at every stage of the customer journey.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Provide user-friendly 'quick start' instructions and guides for running a home.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Assign a Main Board Customer Champion.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Survey every customer to measure satisfaction and target that at least 95% of our customers would recommend us to a friend.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Develop and launch 'Pledge for a better tomorrow' - a partnership between Berkeley and our customers to encourage residents to live a more sustainable lifestyle.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Train sales staff in sustainability so that they are able to sell the benefits to customers.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Highlight the specific sustainability features of our homes and developments in our marketing material and/or sales & marketing suites.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Undertake market research on at least 25% of purchasers to understand how sustainability influences their home buying preferences.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Undertake market research on at least 25% of purchasers to understand how sustainability influences their home buying preferences.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
On selected developments provide customers with a 'sustainability options' package which enables customers to purchase additional sustainability features for their homes.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Produce a Berkeley sustainable living guide in conjunction with NGOs for use in sales and marketing suites, at handover, as well as an interactive version of the guide for our website.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Run a programme of Vision2020 marketing communication to familiarise customers with the strategy and promote sustainable living.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Include guidance in all Home Manuals that enables occupants to understand and operate their home efficiently and make the best use of local facilities.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick




Commitments 2012-2014 Assessment
Carry out post-occupancy monitoring of electricity, water and gas/heat consumption in order to measure the success of our designs and to influence the design of future schemes.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green Tick
Monitor the indoor air quality of at least one completed home and use the findings to influence future design and specification choices.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green Tick
Apply the Lifetime Homes principles in the design of all new homes.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green 84
Develop minimum design standards on all Berkeley homes including standards for sound insulation, space, storage and overheating.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green Tick
Design all new homes to achieve at least Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green 98
Undertake R&D to understand the implications of the Government's proposed zero carbon standard on our future developments.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green Tick
Design all new homes to achieve water use of 105l/p/d.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green 96
Provide recycling facilities for every home.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green 98
Work with an external organisation to promote resident recycling.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Green Tick



Commitment  2012-2014 Assessment 
Communicate our sustainability requirements to our contractors through our Management Rules.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Work with our suppliers to improve the sustainability performance of their product or service.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Integrate an assessment of the sustainability of products, suppliers and contractors into the formal selection process.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light 79
Develop and implement a process or system to increase the number of local contractors working on at least one of our developments.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Ensure that all timber purchased by Berkeley is certified by a timber certification scheme.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light 96
Establish the recycled content of at least one completed apartment and at least one competed house and develop alternative specifications to increase recycled content.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Register all sites with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and achieve a minimum of 35 points in site audits (32 points prior to January 2013).
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Monitor and maintain office carbon dioxide emissions per m2 at or below 2011/12 levels.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Monitor and maintain office water use per person at or below 2011/12 levels.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Conduct energy/carbon audits on our offices and implement carbon reduction initiatives that have acceptable payback periods.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Reduce average site carbon dioxide emissions by 3% per site operative by May 2014.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Reduce average site water consumption by 3% per site operative by May 2014.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Cross
Re-use or recycle over 85% of construction, demolition and excavation waste.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Conduct biennial sustainability reviews at our permanent offices and target a 20% reduction in paper consumption per office worker at each review.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light 50
Undertake regular sustainability assessments on all construction sites.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick
Ensure that a minimum of 5% of our own staff and those working on our construction sites are employed in an apprenticeship or training role.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Light Tick



Commitment  2012-2014 Assessment 
Work with experts to develop metrics to assess the social sustainability of our developments and pilot the metrics on at least one completed development.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Conduct post-occupancy evaluation to assess development design and function in use (e.g. crime and security, layout, design quality, management quality, cleanliness & maintenance or usability).  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Conduct post-occupancy evaluation to assess the in-use success of community facilities (e.g. sports facilities, public realm, open space, children's activities).  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Undertake social sustainability assessment pre-planning on all developments of more than 100 homes.  Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 91
Consult with a Crime Prevention Design Advisor (CPDA) or Police Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO) on all developments.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 91
Incorporate community food growing space into at least one development and evaluate its success post-occupation.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Work with residents, commercial occupiers, local business and the local community on at least one mixed use development to promote local employment opportunities.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Follow Berkeley's Community Engagement Strategy on all planning applications we submit.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 90
Install living roofs (brown or green) on all suitable apartment roof spaces.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Provide at least one electric car charging point in all communal car parks.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Work with landscape architects to design an exemplar water efficient and climate change resilient landscaping strategy for one development.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Provide cycle storage on all developments.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 96
Provide home office working facilities in all homes.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 93
Commission or conduct research into design for climate change adaptation in new homes.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Consult an ecologist on all developments to provide advice and guidance on protecting ecology.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 94
Harvest rainwater for re-use on all new developments.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 87
Put in place adaptation measures on all developments to address future climate change risks.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red 91
Ensure that all commercial space, student accommodation and Extra Care housing (where relevant) achieves at least BREEAM Very Good or is capable of achieving BREEAM Very Good if the fit-out is undertaken by the tenant.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Conduct post-occupancy evaluation to assess the in-use success of transport infrastructure and/or travel plans.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick
Work with an external organisation to promote biodiversity on one development.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Red Tick


Our People

Commitment  2012-2014 Assessment 
Measure staff retention rates and workforce diversity and benchmark performance.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Provide all direct employees with an individual health and safety training assessment and allocate training based on their job role/function.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Provide all direct employees with an individual sustainability training assessment and allocate training based on their job role/function.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Develop and trial personal development plans and annual performance and career development reviews.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Undertake a review of employee engagement of sustainability and develop an action plan for continued successful engagement.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Undertake staff satisfaction surveys and develop action plans to address any issues raised.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Nominate a Vision2020 champion in each of our project teams.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Continue to achieve a RIDDOR reportable Accident Incident Rate (AIR) of less than 3.5 incidents per 1,000 employees and contractors.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Continue to achieve a RIDDOR reportable Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of less than 0.175  per 100,000 hours worked.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Further enhance the Group's 'Good Work' programme through active engagement with contractors' operatives on all our projects.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Set a performance target for our projects and contractors in respect to the 'Good Work' programme.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Participate in an external benchmarking programme and report results annually.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue 50
Undertake regular internal health and safety audits on all our projects.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Implement a Health Promotion Programme across the company.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue 50
Capture and quantify our work with charities and local communities and benchmark performance.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Raise over £250,000 annually for the Berkeley Foundation through employee fundraising and donations.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Match employees' donations and fundraising for the Berkeley Foundation.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Invest £2 million by May 2014 to support young people and their communities through the Berkeley Foundation.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Operate a Give As You Earn scheme.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick
Launch a Job Creation Programme to help 250 unemployed people into work.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Blue Tick


Overall Business Commitments

Commitment  2012-2014 Assessment 
Undertake a review of employee engagement on sustainability and develop an action plan for continued successful employee engagement.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Share experiences with Government and the rest of the industry through representation at steering groups and events.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Gain external assurance on at least one of our key performance indicators in our Sustainability Report.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Cross
Measure the costs and benefits of our sustainability strategy.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Cross
Deliver in line with the guidance given to the markets to achieve superior Returns on Shareholders Equity for a given level of risk.
 Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Retain our balance sheet strength so that Berkeley is safe and can deliver on all its leadership commitments in Vision2020.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Continue investment to grow and enhance our land bank to ensure that our returns are sustainable over the next 10 years.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick
Position the business at the end of 2014 so that it is well placed to deliver the returns of £4.34 per share to shareholders by September 2015.   Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Icon Orange Tick


2013 Progress Reports

Our Vision, Performance, 2013 Customers


Our Vision, Performance, 2013 Homes


Our Vision, Performance, 2013 Places


Our Vision, Performance, 2013 Operations


Our Vision, Performance, 2013 Our People

Our People

Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Rob Perrins

Statement from Managing Director, Rob Perrins 2013

Our Vision Performance 2012-14 GRI

Global Reporting Initiative Compliance Report 2013

Our Vision Performance 2012-14 Advisors Statement

Our Vision - Performance - 2013 Performance Reports - Advisor's Statement 2013

This page provides detail of our performance within the first two-year phase of Vision2020 (covering the period May 2010 - April 2012).

We partially or fully achieved 96% of our two-year commitments. While we did not achieve 4% of our commitments, a number of these were carried forward to ensure that they are delivered in the coming years. Amongst our key successes, we were delighted to have achieved our highest ever customer recommendation level (96.6%), our lowest ever RIDDOR Accident Incident Rate (2.69) and to have been awarded the title of 'Britain's Most Admired Company'.

Performance Report 2012

Between 2010 and 2012 we made strong progress within each of our four Vision2020 action areas. Detail on our performance in each of these areas is available here.
Our Vision, Performance, Performance Report 2012

Sustainability Report 2012, Performance Report

Our Vision, Performance, Executive Summary 2012

Sustainability Report 2012, Executive Summary


The Customer Experience

Commitment  2010-2012 Assessment  Commentary 
Survey every customer to measure satisfaction and continue to target that over 90% would recommend us to a friend   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow In 2010/11, 96.2% of our customers would recommend us to a friend. 
Carry out post-occupancy monitoring of electricity, water and gas/heat consumption on at least four completed developments in order to measure the success of our designs and to influence the design of future schemes   Our Vision, Performance, Red Cross Post occupancy monitoring did not take place. We are carrying this forward as part of our 2012-14 commitments. 
Highlight the sustainability benefits of our developments in sales and marketing materials and home manuals
 Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow Over the last two years, a selection of sustainability materials for both sales and marketing and home manuals have been developed. Most home manuals and site marketing materials now contain this information. 
Train all sales and marketing staff in sustainability so that they are able to sell the benefits to customers   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow While considerable effort has been made to train sales and marketing staff in sustainability, not all staff were trained between 2010 and 2012. We have committed to train sales as part of our 2012-14 commitments.
Communicate Vision2020 to all customers   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Vision2020 is communicated to our customers through wall displays and brochures in our sales and marketing suites, a dedicated section on The Berkeley Group website and logos on hoarding and marketing materials. 
Ensure that all commercial space and student accommodation achieves BREEAM Very Good or is capable of achieving BREEAM Very Good if the fit-out is to be undertaken by the tenant   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of our developments containing commercial space that were submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 will achieve BREEAM Very Good. 
Undertake market research on at least 25% of purchasers to understand how sustainability influences their home buying preferences   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Market research was performed in both 2010/11 and 2011/12 to understand how sustainability influences home buying preferences. In 2010/11, 221 survey responses were received, also representing 26% of purchasers. In 2011/12, 290 survey responses were received, also representing 26% of purchasers. 

Building Greener Homes

Commitment  2010-2012 Assessment  Commentary 
Design all new homes to achieve at least Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow

Planning applications were submitted for 14,632 homes between May 2010 and April 2012. Three schemes did not commit to Code Level 3:

  • One scheme (373 homes) was an amendment to a reserved matters application approved in 2008. The outline application for the scheme was granted planning permission in 2006. The outline application did not commit to Code Level 3 and this position was retained on the optimised scheme.
  • One further scheme (4 units) did not commit to Code Level 3.
  • One scheme (5 homes) is adjacent to an existing site that is not developing homes to Code Level 3. The site is also contaminated. The costs of remediation in conjunction with the costs of achieving Code Level 3 would affect the economic viability of the Scheme. We believe there would also be issues associated with marketing similar homes on the adjacent sites that have been built to differing standards. 
Design all new homes to achieve at least a 25% improvement in energy performance compared to 2006 Building Regulations   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow All projects which commit to Code Level 3 will achieve this commitment. In addition, a number of projects are being designed to comply with Building Regulations Part L 2010 and will therefore meet this commitment. However, there are two exceptions to this, totalling 378 homes.
Consider future climate change risks as part of development design and construction   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow All Berkeley Group sites consider future climate change risks as part of development design and construction. Measures include full flood risk assessments undertaken during the planning process and assessment of overheating risk as part of Building Regulations Part L 2010 compliance. 
Design all new homes to achieve water use of 105 l/p/d (a 30% reduction compared to average home water use)   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow This commitment is achieved through gaining Code Level 3 certification. The projects which have not achieved Code Level 3 have also not achieved this commitment. This equates to 382 homes. 
Locate all developments within 1km of a public transport node   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of sites submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 are within 1km of a public transport node. 
Provide Cycling storage on all developments   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of our developments submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 will provide cycle storage facilities for residents. 
Provide home office working facilities in all homes   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of homes submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 will provide home office working facilities.
Provide recycling facilities for every home   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of homes submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 will provide recycling facilities. 
Complete over 95% of development on brownfield land   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow In 2010/11, 92% of our completed homes were on brownfield land, in 2011/12 this dropped to 89%. This rate has fallen due to the completion of 621 homes on greenfield land. 
Consult an ecologist on all developments to provide advice and guidance on protecting ecology   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow Between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012, three developments have not consulted an ecologist.


Running a Sustainable Business

Commitment  2010-2012 Assessment  Commentary 
Reduce operational carbon dioxide emissions by 5% annually until April 2012   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow We collect data on all our direct carbon emissions and those relating to business travel. In 2010 we also began collecting data on subcontractors' fuel consumption on our sites. We have measured our reduction in carbon emissions based on our Scope 1 and 2 emissions only and have normalised our consumption by the average number of operatives on our construction sites each year. In 2010/11 we made a 3.9% reduction compared to 2009/10, so did not achieve our target. therefore exceeding our 5% reduction target. 
Reduce operational water consumption by 5%  annually until April 2012   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow We have normalised our water consumption by the average number of operatives on our construction sites each year. On this basis we achieved a 4.4% reduction in 2010/11 compared to 2009/10, so did not achieve our target.  compared to 2010/11 and therefore exceeded our 5% reduction target. 
Reuse or recycle over 80%  of construction, demolition and excavation waste   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow We reused or recycled 82% of our construction, excavation and demolition waste during 2010/11 and increased this rate to. 
Conduct a sustainability review at all permanent offices and provide recommendations for improvement, specifically including recommendations for reducing energy and water use
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Sustainability reviews were performed at all St James, Berkeley Homes and the Berkeley Group Head Office in 2010-11 and at St George offices in 2011-12.
Measure carbon emissions associated with commercial transport movements to and from sites   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow Data relating to commercial transport movements was assessed for Kidbrooke Phase 1 during 2011-12. A full database of transport journeys was developed and mapped, showing journey origins across the UK. Emissions were then calculated using this database. On completion of this exercise we chose not to perform this assessment at any other site.
Undertake energy and water use reduction programme at three construction sites and share lessons learnt around the business
 Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow An energy and water use reduction programme was undertaken at one site during 2011/12. The results indicated that the site was implementing a variety of energy and water efficiency initiatives. These initiatives are communicated group wide.
Set up a material exchange programme to facilitate the sharing of excess materials between construction sites and reduce the volume of waste sent to landfill   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow A material exchange programme was set up on the Berkeley intranet in 2011/12. This consists of a web-based notice board on which sites may post surplus materials that they have available which may be re-used on other sites.
Undertake environmental audits on all construction sites
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Environmental audits are conducted at all sites by members of our sustainability and health & safety teams at least three times per year. This includes sites where we are not the Principal Contractor
Provide sustainability training to all employees    Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Systems and processes are in place to ensure that all our staff have access to sustainability training. The training courses range from short briefings about Vision2020 for Directors to one-day courses on environmental management for construction staff.
Measure staff retention rates and benchmark performance   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Retention rates are measured on a quarterly basis and have been benchmarked against published data from housebuilder/developer peers where they make this publicly available. 
Capture and quantify our work with charities and local communities and benchmark performance   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow We collect information on both our financial and in-kind charitable and community donations throughout the year.
Match employees' donations and fundraising for The Berkeley Foundation
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow During 2011/12 Berkeley began matching employees' donations and fundraising for The Berkeley Foundation. The Berkeley Group matches any donation made by a member of staff through our Give As You Earn scheme, with 50% of the matched funding going to a charity chosen by the employee and 50% to the Foundation to distribute.
Implement a Give as You Earn Scheme    Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow At the start of 2011/12 Berkeley put in place a Give as You Earn Scheme. After 12 months, 14% of all employees had signed up to Give As You Earn, helping Berkeley achieve the Gold Payroll Giving Quality Mark Award.
Raise £300,000 for The Berkeley Foundation through employee fundraising and donations
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Following its launch in 2010, £1.9 million has been raised and donated by The Berkeley Foundation.
Communicate our sustainability aspirations and requirements to suppliers through our sustainable procurement policy    Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow Our Sustainable Procurement Policy is distributed to our suppliers with tender documents and contracts. We acknowledge that this process is not consistently applied across all projects and will be working to improve this over the next two years. 
Integrate sustainability requirements into supplier contracts and management rules
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow During 2011/12 we launched a new Sustainability Code of Practice for Contractors, which now forms part of our Management Rules.
Share experiences with Government and the rest of the industry through representation at steering groups and events   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Over the last two years we have shared our experiences with industry through a wide variety of forums. During 2011/12 we continued to participate in and support the UKGBC Task Group on Legal Frameworks for Sustainable Community Infrastructure; the House Builders Association Code Reform Group; and have taken Chairmanship of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry's Property and Construction Committee. In addition we have engaged with national and local government directly on a number of issues.
Continue to achieve a RIDDOR  reportable Accident Incident Rate (AIR) of less than 4 incidents per 1000 employees and sub-contractors
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow In 2010/11 we achieved an AIR of 3.63. , below the industry average and our best performance to date.
Continue to achieve a RIDDOR reportable Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) of less than 0.20   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow In 2010/11 we achieved an AFR of 0.178. Our AFR in 2011/12 was 0.132 , below the industry average and our best performance to date. 
Provide health & safety training to all direct employees   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow A full suite of health & safety training is available to all our direct employees. In 2010/11, following our annual training review, we updated our programme with the introduction of further specialist courses. We have also reviewed our training matrix, which outlines all the courses we currently run and establishes a timeline by which an employee must have attended the given course. 
Undertake an internal review of our policy and arrangements regarding employees health and well-being with a view to establishing a programme   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow We have undertaken a review of our policy and arrangements regarding employees' health and wellbeing and will be launching a Health Promotion Programme during the summer of 2012. 
Undertake work to identify an external benchmarking programme (e.g. CHASPI) to positively measure the Group's health & safety performance   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow While an initial exercise to externally benchmark the Group's health & safety performance using CHASPI was performed, the decision by the HSE to no longer publicly benchmark companies through this system meant that this was no longer a relevant performance indicator. An alternative method is being sought. 
Undertake internal health & safety audits on all construction sites   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow In accordance with our health & safety governance arrangements, each project under construction is visited monthly by an independent assessor. 
Further enhance the Group's 'Good Work' programme through active engagement with contractors' management and operatives   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow In September 2011/12 we held six Good Work Conferences with over 700 of our trade contractors' Directors and Senior Management attending. Following on from the success of these conferences, we ran a series of Good Work workshops for subcontractors' supervisors. During 2012/13 we will further enhance the Good Work programme through a number of activities, most notable being operative workshops across all projects. 

Delivering Sustainable Communities

Commitment 2010-2012 Assessment  Commentary 
Achieve at least the Building for Life Silver standard on all new developments
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow All new developments of 15 homes or more submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 have been assessed against the Building for Life criteria. 100% achieved 14 or more of the criteria (equivalent to the Silver Standard). We have chosen not to require this assessment on smaller schemes. 
Use bespoke design on all developments to create high quality homes and places   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow Through our commitment to Building for Life, and inherent in the way we work, we use bespoke designs when creating and constructing all our homes and communities. 
Consult with a Crime Prevention Design Advisor (CPDA) or Police Architectural Liaison Officer (ALO) on all developments   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow All developments submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 have already consulted with a CPDA/ALO or will do so during detailed design. 
Apply the Lifetime Homes principles in the design of all homes
 Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow All developments submitted for planning between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 have applied the Lifetime Homes principles in the design of all homes. 
Apply Berkeley's Community Engagement Strategy on all planning applications over 500 units   Our Vision, Performance, Green Arrow 100% of our schemes over 500 units which submitted planning applications between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 consulted with the community using our best practice guidelines or demonstrated exemplary community consultation. 
Put in place an employment plan on all developments of 1000 units or more incorporating targets for the proportion of local labour used, plans for long-term job creation and measurement of the success of the plan implementation   Our Vision, Performance, Red Cross The business took the choice not to deliver this commitment and instead chose to put in place a Young Person's Employment and Development Policy (linking strongly with The Berkeley Foundation).
Register all sites with the Considerate Constructors Scheme and achieve a minimum of 32 points in all site audits   Our Vision, Performance, Orange Arrow All sites have registered with the CCS. A total of five sites did not achieve scores above 32 during the two-year period (two scored 31.5 and three scored 31). 


Statements and Progress

Our Vision, Performance 2012-14, Rob Perrins

Statement from Managing Director, Rob Perrins 2012

Our Vision, Performance, GRI Compliance Report 2012

Global Reporting Initiative Compliance Report 2012

Our Vision Performance 2012-14 Advisors Statement

Advisor's Statement 2012
